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Updated At: Jul 31, 2022 05:49 AM (IST)
A video of the Minister “forcibly asking the Vice-Chancellor to lie on the bed” has been doing the rounds. Video grab: Twitter/@PargatSOfficial
Tribune News Service

Balwant Garg
Faridkot, July 30
Dr Raj Bahadur, Vice-Chancellor of Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, on Saturday sent his resignation letter to Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann.  
The resignation was due to the humiliation, which Dr Raj Bahadur faced in the hands of State health minister at Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital at Faridkot on Friday.
Political leaders across the political spectrum also hit out at Jouramajra.
I believe Dr Raj Bahadur has resigned as Vc unable to bear gross humiliation by the illiterate Health Minister! If @BhagwantMann has an iota of decency he should immediately dismiss Mr Jauramajra from his cabinet and ask him to tender an unconditional apology to Dr Raj Bahadur.

Health Minister Chetan Singh Jouramajra was caught in a tight spot after he asked Dr Raj Bahadur to lie on a “dirty” patient’s bed at Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital here on Friday.
A video of the Minister “forcibly asking the Vice-Chancellor to lie on the bed” has been doing the rounds.
The Minister can be “heard speaking rudely” with the Vice-Chancellor over the lack of cleanliness in the medical college.
Secretary to VC also resigns
Indian Ortho Association condemned the incident of humiliation to the VC.  OP Chaudhary, secretary to vice-chancellor, also submitted his resignation.
PCMSA condemns unceremonious treatment to VC
The PCMS Association has strongly condemned the unceremonious treatment meted out to the BFUHS VC by the Health Minister.
The PCMSA State President Dr Akhil Sarin said, “The PCMSA strongly condemns the unceremonious treatment meted out to the VC by the HM. Whatever the reason, the way the VC was maltreated, is deplorable. Such blatant disrespect for a senior health functionary is appalling, to say the least. The face-off has actually led to the State losing its only Spine Surgeon”.

#bhagwant mann #Chetan Singh Jouramajra #Faridkot
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