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ABC Action News weather guru Denis Phillips recently shared a few dozen tips to get you through a hurricane. We’ve been really lucky so far this hurricane season in Florida, but we know our time will come. When it does, preparation is key. And Denis came up with some tips that might make your experience a lot less miserable. Here are 10 of my favorites. Some are common sense. But others are pretty creative ideas to get through the storm with less stress.
If the coin stayed on top after the power went out, your food stayed frozen!

Optobionics/Getty Images
Optobionics/Getty Images
Denis points out that without air conditioning, anything dirty will start to stink your place up! And when the AC goes out, you’ll want clean sheets because you’ll be sweating a lot!

Tim Boyle/Getty Images
Tim Boyle/Getty Images
When you know the storm’s coming charge up those laptops, and OLD phones… not just the one you use now. Old phones call still call 911!

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Use that water to flush toilets.

R. Viner/Daily Express/Getty Images
R. Viner/Daily Express/Getty Images
Freeze cooked food too. Denis says he loves a hardboiled egg as a snack on that first day without power.

Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images
Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images
Stuff all your important stuff in a backpack so it’s easy to grab in case you need to leave quickly.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Sean Gallup/Getty Images
If power goes out for a while or systems go down, it’ll be good to have some cash on hand.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
This is certainly one I wouldn’t have thought of doing… but it makes sense. Higher temps in the room will lower the temp in your fridge to preserve those foods longer.

George Frey/Getty Images
George Frey/Getty Images
Hit the shower just before the storm’s about to hit.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Unplug your electronics because there will likely be power surges.

These are a sample from over 30 tips Denis gave his fans this week. Check out the rest of his advice here!
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