We’ve rounded up some of our favourite looks from Stranger Things season 4, providing products and inspiration on how to make them the best costumes this season. Whoever your favourite characters are (Eleven, Steve, or even Jim Hopper), they’re probably on this list. All of them are great ’80s Halloween costumes inspired by fashion trends of the decade like graphic T-shirts, neon colours, and high-waisted jeans. You can combine a few of them to make them the cutest couple costumes or even group Halloween costumes! Whatever the case is, make sure to let us know in the comments which are your favourites!
1. Max Costume

Max is a force to be reckoned with, and she has proven that this past season. More importantly, you can sport Max’s look from her famous “Running Up That Hill” scene (Vecna not included). The light-blue zip-up complemented with a pair of headphones will make you instantly recognizable this Halloween.
2. Angela’s Costume

We love to hate her. Angela might not be our favourite character from the show, and we may have enjoyed seeing Eleven serve her some well-deserved Karma, but we have to admit one thing: Angela has impeccable style. You, too, can look pretty in pink by following this simple style guide. Anything beaded, tight-fitting and fluorescent is your friend here.
3. Eddie Munson Costume

Eddie quickly became a fan favourite during season 4 of Stranger Things. Now you can dress up as the beloved leader of the “Hellfire Club,” and it’s pretty simple, too. All you need is a Hellfire Club tee, leather jacket, and denim vest.
4. Argyle Costume

Argyle is everyone’s favourite pizza delivery boy! Lucky for you, you can easily replicate his look this Halloween. Stranger Things partnered with Quicksilver to create some of the iconic looks you witnessed in season 4. So, you can buy Argyle’s exact wardrobe, including his ’80s styled short sleeve shirt, surfer boy pizza tee, and more.
5. Joyce (and Christmas Light Wall) Costume

Joyce reintroduced the aesthetic of Christmas lights and their relevancy all year round with this scene. Re-creating this look is simple. Just grab some floral wallpaper, cardboard, and Christmas lights, and sport a cool green jacket with a look of utter shock on your face.
6. Erica’s Costume

Don’t let her colourful outfits confuse you: No one messes with Erica in Stranger Things. Give off the same sassy-but-sweet energy by copying her staple look.
7. Robin Costume

This is *the* Robin look. Yes, she has worn other outfits on the show. But none are as rememberable as her Scoops Ahoy uniform! You can also be employed at the famous ice cream shop this Halloween by shopping the spitting image of the fit.
8. Alexei Costume

One strawberry cherry slurpee, please! Alexei might be gone from the show (😭), but you can bring him back by dressing up as him this spooky season. A pair of aviators, a white button-up, and a kind spirit are all you’ll need.
9. Suzie Costume

Name a character more wholesome than Suzie. We’ll wait. With your hair split into pigtails, large circular glasses that cover a little less than half your face, and an adorable floral nightgown—you’re set to look like the full-of-life character.
1. Mrs Wheeler Costume

Mrs Wheeler might have been *the* fashion icon of the ’80s. Her staple looks could work for any mother looking to channel their favorite looks from their favourite era.
11. Billy Costume

There are definitely mixed feelings about Billy’s character on the show. However you feel about him, you can’t deny that the lifeguard outfits made an impression. Recreate the basic look by shopping for red shorts and an exact replica of the tank top. Oh, you might want to grow some curls and a moustache while you’re at it.
12. Eleven Costume

Eleven has several rememberable looks, but this scene from season 3 is one for the books. The original Aztec shirt is out of stock, but we’ve found a lookalike for you! Complete the look with an American flag bandana, supermarket as a background, and a (fake) bloody nose.
13. Dustin Henderson Costume

A smile on your face is the first step to completing this look. A Camp Know Where tee and a matching hat are a good followup.
14. Jim Hopper Costume

When he’s not sporting his everyday sheriff uniform, Jim is in a chill Hawaiian shirt. Would you expect anything less? Good news: you can shop lookalike shirts on Amazon today!
15. Steve Harrington Costume

Steve can make anything look sly, including his version of the Ahoy Scoops costume! The main challenge will be getting your hair to slick back like his.